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Article in Daily Xtra

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Daily Xtra ran an article on our posters today! Overall, I’m thankful for the exposure. I expect our site will get an increase in traffic, and people will interact with viewpoints they probably haven’t ever heard before;

-why are showers and change-rooms considered a gender-based, instead of sex-based right?
-the enormous amounts of women who have been harmed in gender-neutral spaces
-an introduction to some of the science and medical literature that pokes big holes in the mainstream-media trans-narrative
-the argument of women’s erasure and why radical feminists (many of them lesbians) are making a big deal of this

I have some minor quibbles with the article, although I think the author did well everything considered, and represented our campaign generally fairly- I emailed him a note of thanks. One thing, which I frankly expected, was that it was made to sound like I declined an interview. He emailed me one day before running the story and I was willing to do either an email or sit-down interview. Also, for the record, our campaign is not anti-trans (as per the headline).

Here are some excerpts:

The posters direct readers to visit the group’s online campaign opposing Bill C-16, which seeks to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity and gender expression.

“It’s very alarming. But also it’s expected,” says Morgane Oger, chair of the Trans Alliance Society and the BC NDP candidate for Vancouver-False Creek, who first encountered the posters while she was canvassing in nearby Yaletown.

“Even though the posters are not inherently hateful they do raise concerns,” she says. “Basically what they show is an insensitivity and a bigotry, right? Because the bigotry that they show is [trans people] don’t exist and we’re not telling the truth.”

The campaign purports to have a range of supporters including radical feminists, gays and lesbians, though its membership size is unclear. On his Twitter account, Dirks describes himself as a social conservative who is “fighting the mainstream media trans-narrative for the sake of women who will bear the terrible consequences.”

Oger says the campaign’s central argument — that the definition of woman needs to be protected — is a “laughable fallacy.”

The article is here, but some may find the advertisements graphic.

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